I’ve been very upset thinking about how tumblr was going to slowly decline, but then I saw a post where someone was trying to start fucking drama about Fruits Basket and honestly now I’m pretty okay with the whole thing burning to the ground

The DBH Drabble-a-thon is TAKING OFF!


I am so excited, folks!  The DBH drabble-a-thon is TAKING OFF over on the shiny new Dreamwidth comm!  Already almost every prompt has been filled, and all of the fills have comments!  There are a bunch of lovely mini stories there, including some beautiful ones with Alice, Kara and Luther.

We need new prompts!  Come and leave some for your favorite DBH pairing.  All pairings are welcome, even esoteric ones!  Come join the fun – even if you just want to lurk and read others’ stories, I guarantee they’re worth your time. 

@dbhrarepairs  @dbhevents  @dbhcalendar  @honkforhankcon  @roomfullofcunts  @connorisqueerdbh  @conkus 

I’m tagging a few of you that I know and love from tumblr, but please tag others if you think they’d be interested!  I’d love to get some of the RK1K crowd and RK1700 crowd in there, as well as the Jerries and the Ralph fans!  Heck, we haven’t had a single Simkus prompt yet (I’m going to go leave one as soon as I post this!)

P.S. If you’re having trouble with Dreamwidth, please hit me up on Discord at glymr# 7185.  I’m happy to hold your hand and walk you through how to do things there!